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Do We REALLY Believe This?

Isn’t it really hard to believe in God when everything around you is crumbling?

To be honest with you, this has been a challenging year. It seems that one problem after another happens, and they usually overlap with each other.

We’ve all been there. We want to believe in God more, be more committed, do what it takes, and see the increase… but how can we believe when everything we set our hands to seems to fail?

The Bible says that we Christians should be prospering, so why is everyone else around us getting blessed, and we’re struggling?

Now, life is full of failures. I might think that all of these are the reasons why I’m not happy. All of these situations are my problems.

But a few months back, God spoke to me and said, “The biggest problem with my people is that they just don’t believe.”

I first thought to myself, “But we do believe. That’s why we’re here. That’s why we follow you.”

But some people chase after things they have complete faith in. Others chase after things they “hope” will work out for them and simply continue with it because it’s comfortable.

If I really believed that God was a healer of my terminal disease, I would stop everything I was doing and immediately look to Him.

If I really believed that God was real and all-powerful, I would be in his presence as much as I could instead of being “too busy.”

If I really believed that God was good and had the solution to my problems, I would speak faith in these problems instead of giving up.

Do we really believe in God?

Do I have a belief that simply acknowledges there is a God, or a Biblical belief - one to where I am fully convinced, and I revolve my life around this?

The biggest sin in the Bible (the only one that separates us from God) is unbelief. Hebrews 3 says that some people will never enter into eternal rest because of unbelief.

This is the one work that God requires of us - that we would simply believe (John 6:29).

In Mark 6, Jesus visited a particular city but could not do any miracles there because of their unbelief.

This is the problem I’m choosing to look at today. If I feel unhappy, do I believe? If I’m going through a bunch of problems, where is my belief?

And if we can be honest and admit that we are struggling a bit with our beliefs, that’s OK. We can be like the man in Mark 9:24 who said, “I believe; help my unbelief!”

Some preachers will tell you to “believe big,” and that’s great. But this week, I’m just going to ask you to believe. Shift your mind in “belief mode.” Set your expectations on God.

“How do I do this? How do I believe better” you ask?

Start with speaking your beliefs out.

Yes, I mean literally verbalizing your beliefs.

Say, “I believe that God will help me deal with the loss of my family member. I believe God is going to increase my finances.”

Speaking helps your believing. This is something I learned long ago. One of the reasons I was unhappy was that I never “let out” what was on the inside of me.

Release what’s inside you with your words, and imagine what life would look like if you were utterly convinced of God’s power!

The other way to increase your believing is by getting into God’s Word. However, I know that this can be difficult.

I believe that one easy place to start is with my book, How to Understand the Bible in 30 Days. This book will increase your faith by unlocking the scriptures for you.

In short, it helps you discover what the Bible is all about… it’s not necessarily what I think it’s all about.

Believe in God, and speak it out today!

Have a great week,





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